Jesus Left the Building and We Followed
Outreach and community service is a very important part of our identity as a Christian congregation. We affirm our United Church of Christ Statement of Faith that we are called to be servants “to the whole human family.” We seek to respond to Jesus’ call to minister to people throughout the world.
In 2023, we helped alleviate food insecurity by working with the Raymond Food Pantry, Feeding America and Good Shepherd. As we have in the past, we will respond to needs created by Disasters by contributing to UCC Disaster Ministries. In the spring and fall, we sent hygiene kits and school kits to Church World Service. We continue to support seniors in our area through the Sebago Lakes Region Fuller Center for Housing. In addition, we are a “5 for 5” church, contributing to all of the 5 UCC offerings throughout the year. We aim to be a “5 for 5” church in 2024 as well.
Each time we collect money or items to give away, we feel we are helping others – a key part of our church mission.
Sebago Lakes Region Fuller Center for Housing

RVCC is a founding member of this local non-profit, ecumenical Christian housing ministry dedicated to eliminating substandard and unsafe housing. We support Fuller Center with donations and volunteers.
Annual Mission Initiatives
United Church of Christ Mission Offerings
We actively support Our Church’s Wider Mission and the four United Church of Christ Special Offerings, which are Neighbors in Need (traditionally received in October), The Christmas Fund (December), One Great Hour of Sharing (March), and Strengthen the Church (May). Since 2005, the Maine Conference UCC has recognized the Raymond Village Community Church for its continued commitment to these mission offerings.
Special Mission Offerings Click Here
Health and School Kits and Emergency Buckets

We work with Church World Service each year to provide health items and school supplies for impoverished children and families throughout the world as well as those coping with natural disasters such as hurricanes and earthquakes. We typically put together about 40 school and health kits. Read More
Grace Street Ministry
A compassionate outreach ministry to the homeless and marginalized in downtown Portland, Maine offering support through Presence, Prayer and Advocacy. We support this ministry by collecting white socks, particularly diabetic socks, for the pastors to hand to the homeless they visit. Read More
Raymond Food Pantry
The Raymond Food Pantry provides a variety of canned, dry goods and produce to qualifying Raymond residents. The Pantry is open the second and fourth Thursday of every month from 4pm to 6pm. We support the Food Pantry with volunteers and donations.
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Maine Seacoast Mission Christmas Program
Each year at Christmas time, the Mission distributes holiday gifts to children, families, the elderly, and nursing home residents. We support this program by collecting and donating items on their wish list. These items become part of the “Elves’ Workshop” in the Weald Bethel Community Center, where people can choose the gifts they would like to give to their families.